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How To Grow Orchids Using Artificial Lights

By Jay Arlings

Most orchids thrive in a tropical landscape, which means light is essential for them. This light is not necessarily pure sunlight. It could also mean artificial orchid lights. Properly caring for your orchids means that you have to make sure that they receive sufficient amounts of light in order to grow.

Light exposure requirements for orchids vary depending on the orchid. In fact, their requirements for light could be diffused, patterned, artificial, dappled or shaded.

An example would be an orchid sitting on a tree in the forest. It will be able to take in the cool morning light and be spared from the hot afternoon light. Wondering what's the best location for your orchid in your home? Make sure that you point it towards the east.

A rule of thumb for orchid caring is that it can take in around 12 hours of sunlight a day. But this only applies if it is a day with moderate sunlight. Whatever happens, don't expose your orchids to the insane heat of the afternoon.

When you get orchids, make sure you do your homework and know how much light exposure they can take. You can ask the store owner or people who grow orchids.

Make use of the internet, too. You will find plenty of resources on orchids and how to grow them well. You can also visit the local universities in your area as well as botanical facilities. Membership in orchid growing clubs will also be helpful.

This is because orchid enthusiasts will be able to tell you about "soft" and "hard" light when it comes to the lighting needs of certain species of orchids. Some orchids love the shade while other orchids love the light. This means pure sunlight, of course, and not the crazy heat of the afternoon.

In fact, research suggests plants that enjoy good amounts of sunlight have many blooms, but are shorter lived than others. These leaves tend to be yellowish and it's possible that they are stunted. A soft orchid plant, on the other hand, flourishes well but does not produce much blooms.

Looking for artificial orchid lights? These are the grow-light and fluorescent lights. You would also need timers. These allow you to control the amount of darkness and light for your orchids.

You may think the use of artificial lights to raise orchids is unusual, but it is more common than you think. With the many kits available in the market, you have plenty of options to choose from depending on the type of orchid that you choose to grow. You don't need to be a horticulturist to take care of orchids properly.

Anyone can take care of orchids so long as they know the plant's needs. There are a variety of orchid lights available. You can even use orchid lights with subtle tints so it can match your home decor.

Do your homework and you will find that your orchid will surely blossom under your care.

Want more tidbits for using orchid lights? Visit my website at www.orchidplantscenter.com for the absolute guide, resources and tips on growing and caring for stunning orchids in your home and garden.

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